

VIDEO :: Living in a Neptunian Time

We are in a Neptunian time characterized by increasing consciousness and intuition and also the shadow sides of Neptune -- confusion, internal and external storms, illusions and addictions. This video describes the meaning of Neptune in Pisces from 2012-2026 and the current aspects of Neptune with Jupiter, calling us to heal, to clear the stories and wounds from the past and to open to a higher level of consciousness, allowing us to hold ourselves and others in compassion and to co-create a new world.

VIDEO :: Total Lunar Eclipse July 27, 2018

This video explains the profound time of transition and transformation that we are in as we are at the end of a 25,000 year precessional cycle and the beginning of a new one, and how this is an ascension process as we move into a higher consciousness and new ways of being individually and collectively.

VIDEO :: MARS RETROGRADE June – Aug 2018 – what does it mean for us?

This video explains the profound time of transition and transformation that we are in as we are at the end of a 25,000 year precessional cycle and the beginning of a new one, and how this is an ascension process as we move into a higher consciousness and new ways of being individually and collectively.

VIDEO :: ASCENSION: What does it mean? How do we prepare?

This video explains the profound time of transition and transformation that we are in as we are at the end of a 25,000 year precessional cycle and the beginning of a new one, and how this is an ascension process as we move into a higher consciousness and new ways of being individually and collectively.

VIDEO :: Solar Eclipse Aug 21 2017

We are living in intense times of change. This video gives insight into what is going on astrologically in this time and how we are being supported into moving into new paradigms and ways of being.

VIDEO :: Moving Into the Age of Aquarius

We are living in intense times of change. This video gives insight into what is going on astrologically in this time and how we are being supported into moving into new paradigms and ways of being.

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